
Ref: mY 1st day in LiverPooL

aRrive cHinaTown (behind from left: wah jie, eveLyn, Me-boOn,emiLy..frOnt fr left: bRother, ocHen & wei) ..its jz not like how V think of...not as bz as London chinatown..basically..is too Quiet *dowN* onLy few chinese restaurant that stiLL cLosing(open after 5pm)..jz disLike lo...hehe ^^

its diNNEr tiME...muahaha..every1's 1st time in cOoking such dinNer...lets iNtro ouR MAIN MATERIAL *jiang jiang jiang jiang~~* >>chicken wing<< href="http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6436/p6120359fj9.jpg">
hmMm....whose coOking??err...i think is ocHen...muahahah...corRect hor,dear....can u recognise ur own hand ar?? Sorry if i'm wRong...eRr...reaLLy dunNo wat veGe is this la..taste?? forget la...but, i think not bad la...cozz finish aLL liao...muahahaha *winK*

Yehhhhhh~~~!!!this is our heart bLood la...its >>chicken wing bak kut teh<<...Look nice?? sure La..but de taste ar...not enuf saLty ler...to be iMproVe....hUngry?? jZ envY uS lo... *bluek* recipe?? haha...its seCret !!! hmm...materiaL: chicken wing + potato + mushroom *hehe*

On the way going 2 chinaTown.....whose hand is that? ^@^ there R err>>>>wah jie..brother..adrian and wei (left to right)...oh ya...1 more..c there r some1 running to the toilet??>>its notti ochen..*Laugh*

p/s: soRRy ya...there are some eRRor in upLoading pics...i dunno y it aPpear like that de...sorry sorry....de Last pic shd be appear on top de...hehe...forgive me la...is my 1st time ma ^^

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