
Aldham Roberts Learning ResOUrce CentRe

inside my Uni...>john foster buiLding<

its a smaLL garden outside de buiLding...Love those fLowers so much ler...my dad tot is rubbish on de ground...haha...see....actually is de ppls inside de pic more beaUtiful than de scene la...*admit*

its aldham robarts learning resource centre (LRC)...LRC = library(in msia) la...ppl not using library de...using such a nice name...haha...but its kinda nice building de ^^

see...i nv bluff u de...this is de LRC...nice hor...seem so high tech...*awesome* made by glasses de...its kinda big inside de...having 4 floors...hav lift(but not 4 us)....internet...books....lots la..

here is de entrance v use 2 enter uni...short cut ma..haha...c de upper part?? wat so call >sky bridge< ?? it link to de admin office and study roOm...its another area which student seldom hanging around during summer programme ^^ another view of LRC...reaLLy awesome...normaLLy, there ll hav some students sitting outside 4 lunch during break de...^^ provided is a nice weather + not so cold la...if not sure freezing outside...haha

coming up next: Lunch time in uNi

MarYbone ~FinaL~

Now is my roOm's turn...letsSs take a Look my room fLat 12D

its my cupboard...lets see....nice view outside my room ya...its liverpooL city center...it will be more nice during nite time...envy me?? *smiLe*

my working tabLe...laptop (of coz + internet la) + phone (calling my hsmate and frens in other phrase FOC de) haha...cooL huh~!!hehe...this is de pLace wheRe i aLwiz start my battLe wif WC....muahahahaha....don think too much la....jz fighting around and o2jamming ^^

my meSsy bed *paiseh* taken this pic when i jz wake up ma..haha...but de bed seem so nice 2 sLeep hor...reaLLy hate wake uP 4 uNi earLy in de morning de..sUre missing my bed when in uNi...and i gonna miss it nOw...bed sheet and those sheet...can be change every week la...but v where got so hardworking de...change it twice a week lo...hehe

its my personal toilet....*eiiiii* disguisting fella showing toilet pic pulak...haha..haiya...nvm la...i oso not showing those 'water' inside de toilet bowl...haha

my shower pLace...jz nx to de toilet bowl...haha....enjoying and relaxing inside la...'bong bong luu'

k la...its de end of my hosteL liao...MAryboNe pRoject...i think some of u shd be miss it so much...some of u(those which r not tenant in marybone) sure feel sien wif those normal normal capture la....it seem normal 4 u guys but is a happiest sweet sweet home 4 us in LIverpooL oh...麻雀虽小五脏齐全嘛

Next episod: Aldham Robert Learning Resource Center(LRC)


MarYbone ~Part 4

Lets continue wif Our dining + Living roOm...a pLace where we(fLat 11 & 12) gather 4 dinNer...TV..and of course disCussion for our up coMing TRIPS~!

onCe enteRing, *wao* fuLLy furnish(got oven somemore!) + guai lou style..hehe..this is de bziest pLace eVer...haha...mOrning...gaLs...coOking breaKfast + preParing ben don..hehe...yum yum..then wiLL be peaCefuL till >>de time v back from uNi and market..*haha* opening time?? 7.00am - late nitezZz...

oUr diNing tabLe..suRRounded by 10ppLs duRing diNner time...can u imagine?! a lOng sMall table surround by 10ppLs 'fighting' 4 fOods?!! macam few yrs nv eat only,...haha....but every1 seem enjoy even those fooD...errr......haha....tau la...aLL beginner cookeR & our main chief(wei) favourates....suRe habis aLL de!! so giv faCe *bluek*

oUr liVing room sofa...relaxing 4 niTe time shoW...and of coz heLp us lots while dinNer time la...if not kena makan at coRridor lo....no Place ma...kno la...aLL very big size d...*haha*

coNt my living room story...deh...de smaLL tv la...4 relax and excitement de..haha...viva2006 wo...WORLD CUP ma...*hurray*...sure stick wif TV whenever there R some favourate match la...hmm...somemore....secret here...shhhhh..at nite(after 10pm) wiLL having those 18sx show de...haha...enjoy huh??!!!


Hi everyone......how r u all? hehe....

Dunno how to use lo? asking boon to teach me.....
Try to post now.....

MarYbone ~Part 3

after seeing our fantastic building...sure wondering how is de hostel look like,rite?? i love my hostel so much...gonna missing it very very much...de pic below is design for phase 2 flat 12...there will be a bit different wif phase 2 flat 11...^^

once enter into de hostel...u LL c this view...opps...is opposite site la...v enter thru de red doOr...^^ de hall is jz on de left hand side beside de red door ^^

is de door entering our haLL...hehe...fuLLy furnisH...Quite imPress ^^

its emPty cupBoard 4 uS..hehe..totaL of 7.....this is jz part of it ^^ *paiseh*


MarYbone ~Part 2~

Once pAss thRu de "horRor gate".. vLL arrivE heRe >>>>>>

itS de 2nd entrance 2 oUr fLat...haha...swiPe card agAin....

gaLs in PhasE 2 fLat 12...aLL LengLuis huh...eVeLyn, Fang Ying, Pey Boon, Tsuey Yin & eMily(left > right) oUr tiNy wah jie is missIng..(camera gaL)

3 siaO poH got nothing 2 caPture..3 'hiaong har poh" nv c lift in their kampung ma...not theiR fauLt so excited wHen 1st time taKing lift la...*haha*

=='''...its notice in Lift....kinda seriOus huh!! but whose Care...^^ But heard that soMe1 kena peNaLty wo...LuckiLy not aNy of us

fiNaLLy aRrive my hOsteL...pHase 2 6th fLoor FLat 12..oUr model: suPer star Yin *appLause*

kinda Long joUrney 2 oUr hosteL...can U imagine...when de fiRe aLarm waS rang...eVery1 running down frOm 6th fLoor then waLK up again when they disCover nth haPpen =='''' ...tRied so maNy tiMes...eVen 4am...i thInk those 'hoi yan zing' sure get cuRse from those who from 10th fLoor..haha...^^feeLing wheneVer aLarm rang >>gosh!!! rang again..look look got wat happen 1st...then spot some1 is runNing downstairs....omg...v oso neEd 2 'escape' 4 our Life....15mins later.. ==''' jz some smoke kena de aLarm...NO DANGEROUS!!!U GUYS MAY GO BACK ==''''' gosH!! lift FULL...no choice but 'climbing' staircase...back to noRmaL....^^

mY hosteL >>MaryBone pRojeCt<<

its kInda boRing to keep reading and reading without any ''entertainment'' 4 Ur eyes..*hehe*..Lets viSit de pLace wHere i stay dUring uNi tiMe..*aWesOme* ^^
Lets inTro>> MarYboNe pRojeCt<<

itS maRybOne Project ^^ pHase 1 (left) & my fLat in pHase 2 (right) aWesome huh?!!

a ConveNience pLaCe 4 uS..a Clear sIgn bOard fRont of oUr apPartmeNt...dont think u LL losT in LiverpOoL...hehe^^ let me seeeee.....hMm...take buS at queen square...havIng raiL at liMe street station...and our alwiz Lepak pLace *albert doCk & pier head*...hehe

higH tech aRea huh!! its a fRee sMs macHine jz oUtside our apPartment..^^ fuNction?? of cOz SMS throughout de woRLd la...iNternatiOnaL 1 ma...where got so 'lao beh'..haha...and?? of cOz email oso la...say is hIgh teCh liao la....*bLueK*...kinda good...its reaLLy FOC de!!

eii??wat eVeLyn Looking?? is a pLane?? is a biRd??....is???? u guess Lo...haha..this is aNother entRance entering my fLat..haha..hMm...swipE card 1 u kno...^like i'm org kampung nv use card b4^ v aLwiz said...this gate reaLLy suitaBle 2 be hoRRor moVie shoOt..haha...Looks like VanheLsing..haha...its kInda heaVy gate ...tRainNing my MuscLe ^^ *wiNk*

noh....this is wat eVeLyn LOOKING la...haha...is oUr pHase...Lets me c har....dehHh....fLat 11 dining RoOm...u count uRself lo....*geezZz* being interuppted...recount again^^ chun ler.....oUr pHase 2 aPpartment


bOon Latest News

boOn latest news:

its kinda free today..is my last day of working iN this compAny..haha...*wiNk*...i wiLL be taKing 1 mth vaCation to??...muahaha...is Back 2 UK...*sighn*..14hours fLight again... T.T

hey dude..wiLL meet u guYs soOn ler..so excited oso..hmm...is my own sis >>pey shan<<..my honey >>wah jie<< ..ah jie >>eveLyn<< .. my ah zai >>kok wei<<.. others.. >>baby li jIng<< .. >>craZy aH Heng<< .. >>Leng Lui Joey<< ^^ c ya on 16th JuLy 2007 <(^@^)> V


Ref: mY 1st day in LiverPooL

aRrive cHinaTown (behind from left: wah jie, eveLyn, Me-boOn,emiLy..frOnt fr left: bRother, ocHen & wei) ..its jz not like how V think of...not as bz as London chinatown..basically..is too Quiet *dowN* onLy few chinese restaurant that stiLL cLosing(open after 5pm)..jz disLike lo...hehe ^^

its diNNEr tiME...muahaha..every1's 1st time in cOoking such dinNer...lets iNtro ouR MAIN MATERIAL *jiang jiang jiang jiang~~* >>chicken wing<< href="http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6436/p6120359fj9.jpg">
hmMm....whose coOking??err...i think is ocHen...muahahah...corRect hor,dear....can u recognise ur own hand ar?? Sorry if i'm wRong...eRr...reaLLy dunNo wat veGe is this la..taste?? forget la...but, i think not bad la...cozz finish aLL liao...muahahaha *winK*

Yehhhhhh~~~!!!this is our heart bLood la...its >>chicken wing bak kut teh<<...Look nice?? sure La..but de taste ar...not enuf saLty ler...to be iMproVe....hUngry?? jZ envY uS lo... *bluek* recipe?? haha...its seCret !!! hmm...materiaL: chicken wing + potato + mushroom *hehe*

On the way going 2 chinaTown.....whose hand is that? ^@^ there R err>>>>wah jie..brother..adrian and wei (left to right)...oh ya...1 more..c there r some1 running to the toilet??>>its notti ochen..*Laugh*

p/s: soRRy ya...there are some eRRor in upLoading pics...i dunno y it aPpear like that de...sorry sorry....de Last pic shd be appear on top de...hehe...forgive me la...is my 1st time ma ^^


sTOP BluFfling

Wei qi@n bIan.. this is de 1st n last warning to YOU---me (yin) is most gentle n special gal in d earth... i m so gentle n good to all de people who treat me vy well except YOU!
n do not ever call me dinasour again ya..if not, i will revenge in someday,,be aware of ur car tayar, be careful when u received an unknown box in front of ur house....tall short legs.

PretTy YIn


de statement stated by wei qian bian is FaLse..!! fLat 12 gaLs aLL 'sok lui'..where got so ganas de!!...aLL leng Lui >> eViL body shaPe + kaWaii faCe<<>

haLf day activities >schooling<

hmm...its kinda hard to upload those pictures here...it takes time...and....my loudsy PC in co. CD rom ler....aLL pics in DVD de...haih....wiLL upload once i free...*wink* Lets cont. wif oUr story....Once uPon a tiMe.....*dReaMing*

eVery1 kNo each other after My aRRivaL...muahahah *koNoNnya* eVery moRning wiLL be a buSiest moment 4 every1 in fLat 12...4 wat?? of coz preparing bReakfast + ai xing ben don(LunCh) la...haha...haLf way of preparing....eii....yIn wake up liao ma?? asked by some1...."err....dunno ler"...Suddenly...''lalalalalallalalala'' *singing*...nOw can proVe yIn awaKe...haha...and...HEr sOund reaLLy bE oUr's aLarm....*bluek*

v weRe so enVy fLat 11 guys...uNi is damN near....oUrs.....haih...need 2 taKE half an hour eXerCise upon aRRivaL....back from Uni?? more kesIan...take > 1 hour!!!!!! y?? ''shopping kononnyta" >>buying foOd 2 cook 4 diNNer ler!!!<<>


BoXiNG tarGet......T.T

Duno since when i bcome target of all flat 12 gals boxing target........haih...actually my arm waist is 10 inch, but after sometime i found tat my waist increase to 15 inch...not bcause i fatter, is bcause my arm alredi "bengkak"......so pity T.T
here is the list of all the suspect:::

EMILY TAN : nickname-female tiger
-the one who using palm to attack me...sometime use both palm to attack wif terrible laugh....
sometimes hit until i alomst fainted n her hand also pain....

TSUEY YIN:nickname-dinasour
-this suspect is student from shao lin, the most powerful attack - mou ying shao. i alwiz get attacked by her mou ying shao till seriuosly injured. but u cant c her attack cause she alwiz attack when somebody else attacking me, so in the end so messy till i duno i was attacked by who n the fact is she is one of them...

POOI WAH:nickname-my sis (status change liao, cannot use old nickname)
- tis cute little human is student fr all the top kung fu school from china. She not only graduate from wah shan(main), she also student of wu dang, er mei, shao lin........all the skill learned, i also experienced d. T.T*sob sob* cubit nipple also kena.....u say pity or not...

PEY BOON:nickname-my dear(status also change liao, cannot use old nickname)
-tis pretty gal ler....hit herself more than hit me....after hitting me, here black green there black green..i also duno how she hit ppl de. at last the most injured person is the person who hit ppl...then use the "jing guat sui" for the injured plc..then annouce to everyone say i hit her...so i alwiz eat dead cat lo....not i do de ma, y say i do wo....so innocent....(-@-)

2nd class suspect : FANG YING, EVELYN...these 2 suspect involved the less but still consider as suspect.....although 4get when i attacked by them but i VERY VERY 100% 200% sure tat they got attack also.. haih.....my chinese name call wei qian ma not qian bian ma....y every1 also hit me till i bengkak like fatty....

this report is recorded in front of UK top ranked police officer,
and the record will b keep for the lifetime of the victim.....
the possible punichment for those suspect:
1)mz invite the victim to all suspect weddings...
2)mz try the best to attend each gathering which include flat 11 n 12...
3)mz remember the victim bday n prepare the gift for him no matter how far u r...
4)mz happy alwiz whole life........

Certified by: Officer Goh (TOP ranked police officer)
Victim : Ochen Goh
Date:look at the begining of this blog la...there got write d ma..HAIYO...


pey boOn 1st day in LiverPooL

pey boOn was so reGret 2 take examination b4 depart 2 UK...coz she jz misS out so muCh fun moment...orientation la....trip to dunno where la...this la that la....*sob sob* de miss out part...jz let u guys 2 fill it up whenever u wan..coz i dunno wat happened while i'm not there...haha

itS 11/06/06 hurray~!!!! its my arRivaL...too earLy...none of them was awake...its 6am...but de sky jz look like 9am....hehe....windy windy...coOL!!!faLL asLeep wHen i reach my rOom....kinda nice...haha....is it a hostel or hotel??!!!! Let u Guys lOok @ it!!gosh~!!!where is my blanket and pillow??!!!its missing...finaLLy i kno is U...yIn,....u kidnap it!!!! *bite*

its almost 1pm...*kok kok kok* some1 was knocking my door....waNNa go cHinatowN ma??haha...asked by eMiLy...=P....'ok'...as i answered...Lets c oUr pic later oN! i keep on forcing them 2 take pics wif me....

diNner time....*yam yam*...is Bak kut teH....*wink*.....

aRrivaL of June

time flies..its june aGain...eVerything was jz like happen yesterday..oUr sweetest memories jz is time 2 generate last jUne (2006)..it jz cant foRget jz pressing a delete button nor by an eraser..mayb as ochen said..v r jz a 过客 in every1 'hotel'..gaLs..remember de reaction v Gav last time?? *wiNk* haha..v r jz don wanna admit tHis faCt...hehe...*dOn pUntch mE oh* eVen its fact..but v jz don hope can v checkIng Out fRom eacH other hotel tht fast...*winK* Lets V begin ouR meEt @ UK here...hehe

itS 04/06/06...err...i forgot u guys is jz depart or arrive in UK liao...coz...i'M de last who arriVe UK...hehe...date R not impt...muahahaha....*excuse 4 me la..i dunNo ma* if Not mistaken..fang ying arRive on 02/06/06...she was jz alwiz outing 2 phase 1...coz.....haha....Un la...she was jz alone in fLat 12...pity her!! nx...its arRival of...adrian & kok cheng...ochen & kok wei....emily, evelyn & wah jie...lasTly ah Yin on de same day...haha...i think....yIn kno fLat 11 guys that time...coz of de hs doOr..*i jz cant remember de detaiL*...but yin reaLLy sui lui...onCe aRrive...go wolverhampton wif lup pulak!!! left fang ying aLone wif those hsmate that she don kno at aLL...haha...

hmm.....dUnno which diNner time...this is de 1st time fLat 11 guys and fLat 12 gaLs *some1 missing* haVing diNner together...hmm...i think its jz unforgetabLe by eVery1..its SPAGGETI..cook 2 much wif weird taste but oso finiSh aLL...haha....Luckily..it nV affect oUr fuTure dinNer...i ll try 2 fiNd pictUres 2 upLoad it...c how weird is that...*bluek*


its bEgiN here~

hOme sWeet hoMe....itS oUr paGe...oUr Home...oUr sWeetest memOries ^^

Message From Presiden

As "Adrian" promised to create a website to show our life in UK and share some current news for all of us. Finally someone have stand out to make it a reality. Muahaha, thats me. Hope whoever suppose to involved in this blog, please write some current news here to share. thank you. Miss u all , miss the life in UK.
Names who should involved here:
Yip Kok Wei
Ooi Kok Cheng
Adrain Ong Kheng Ding
Emily Tan
Evelyn Chin
Chiong Pooi Wah
Low Pey Boon
Wong Tsuey Yin
Ng Fang Ying