
mY hosteL >>MaryBone pRojeCt<<

its kInda boRing to keep reading and reading without any ''entertainment'' 4 Ur eyes..*hehe*..Lets viSit de pLace wHere i stay dUring uNi tiMe..*aWesOme* ^^
Lets inTro>> MarYboNe pRojeCt<<

itS maRybOne Project ^^ pHase 1 (left) & my fLat in pHase 2 (right) aWesome huh?!!

a ConveNience pLaCe 4 uS..a Clear sIgn bOard fRont of oUr apPartmeNt...dont think u LL losT in LiverpOoL...hehe^^ let me seeeee.....hMm...take buS at queen square...havIng raiL at liMe street station...and our alwiz Lepak pLace *albert doCk & pier head*...hehe

higH tech aRea huh!! its a fRee sMs macHine jz oUtside our apPartment..^^ fuNction?? of cOz SMS throughout de woRLd la...iNternatiOnaL 1 ma...where got so 'lao beh'..haha...and?? of cOz email oso la...say is hIgh teCh liao la....*bLueK*...kinda good...its reaLLy FOC de!!

eii??wat eVeLyn Looking?? is a pLane?? is a biRd??....is???? u guess Lo...haha..this is aNother entRance entering my fLat..haha..hMm...swipE card 1 u kno...^like i'm org kampung nv use card b4^ v aLwiz said...this gate reaLLy suitaBle 2 be hoRRor moVie shoOt..haha...Looks like VanheLsing..haha...its kInda heaVy gate ...tRainNing my MuscLe ^^ *wiNk*

noh....this is wat eVeLyn LOOKING la...haha...is oUr pHase...Lets me c har....dehHh....fLat 11 dining RoOm...u count uRself lo....*geezZz* being interuppted...recount again^^ chun ler.....oUr pHase 2 aPpartment

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